Connectivity Solutions

HL7 International Regional Medical Laboratory is proud to announce our full membership HL7 International®. This step by RML exemplifies our commitment to staying current with the changes in the industry in order to deliver to our clientele the best service possible in accordance with those regulatory and standards organizations that seek to ensure accuracy, efficiency and compliance in the delivery of healthcare information.
To learn more click here.


Web-based Solutions


Regional Medical Laboratory is ahead of the curve with the new advent of Technology and Informatics. The ever increasing adoption of electronic medical/health record (EMR/EHR’s) systems, requirements for Meaningful Use, and the advent of Health Information Exchanges (HIE’s) is why Regional Medical Laboratory continually develops and implements secure and reliable avenues for our patients, clients, and hospitals to access lab results, order tests, integrate with existing EMR/EHR’s, and interface with various electronic solutions.

RML LabWorks® is a secure, Web-based solution for test ordering and result retrieval.  With numerous management and tracking features, RML LabWorks® is designed to work seamlessly with existing office workflow. 

The online test ordering capability allows orders to be entered electronically in the provider’s office, saving resources and streamlining the order entry process. Electronic result reports are easy to read and accessible from anywhere you have internet access and the Internet Explorer browser. 

RML LabWorks® offers

  • Easy online ordering
  • Your choice of on-demand or scheduled result printing, or a combination of the two.
  • Order management and tracking
  • Medical necessity checking

For a demonstration of RML LabWorks®, please contact your RML Sales representative.

Electronic EMR/PMS/HIS/LIS interfaces. 

RML can provide automated electronic integration with numerous electronic medical record systems (EMR), practice management systems (PMS), hospital information systems (HIS), and laboratory information systems (LIS). 

Click here to view the list of currently supported vendors.  Is your organization’s vendor not on the list?  Not to worry. RML is willing to work with vendors who are not on the list to get electronic integration working for your organization.  We have a team dedicated to building and maintaining electronic interfaces, and they will work with you and your vendor to get YOUR electronic interface up and running.

To discuss clinical integration solutions, contact an RML Sales representative today.  (918) 744-2500

Additional Result Delivery Solutions 

RML can also deliver reports using courier hand delivery, remote printers, and fax technologies.  

LabWorks® is a registered trademark of Atlas Development Corporation.

Mobile Solutions

RML Labworks Mobile

RML LabWorks® Mobile for the Apple iPhone and iPad

Regional Medical Laboratory has always had its finger on the pulse of technology and innovation.
Today RML is proud to announce that over the last few months RML has been working with the Atlas Development Corporation and are in the final stages of an iPhone and iPad application for LabWorks®
called RML LabWorks® Mobile. Now Available..!

View iPhone  |  View iPad